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Monday, 4 November 2013

COMICS: New XMEN Movie Hits The Stands!!

Hugh Jackman has predicted that 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' will be a crowd-pleaser for fans of the franchise. Director Bryan Singer's latest X-Men film blends the casts of the original trilogy and the 'First Class' prequel in a time travel plot. Jackman - who is reprising his role as Wolverine - recently revealed that the movie is a love letter to fans of the series. "As excited as [the fans] are, I can tell you it'll exceed those expectations," he teased. "I feel it's that good. I'm very, very excited about it. [Bryan] has knocked it out of the park." Jackman added that he is extremely grateful to be able to portray Wolverine on the big screen once again. "He's like a best friend, Wolverine. He's the beginning of my career here in America and he's still there," the star declared. "It's been 14 years and I can't believe it. And I love the character. I love playing him and I'm probably loving him more than ever." Jackman recently told reporters that he is unsure if he will play Wolverine again after 'X-Men: Days of Future Past.' X-Men: Days of Future Past will arrive in UK cinemas on May 22, 2014 and the US on May 23. Enjoy photos from the movie shoot...

(Culled from

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