Notably this piece of information shouldn't be surprising to many because of its content highlight but it could be a bit amazing considering the personality involved. Yes. It's music, and yes it is a craetive stunt for promotions...but we didn't see it coming in this form!
We have seen couple of dance steps to promote music singles, voice immitation on familiar beats, even audio-visuals of popular music celebrities...but we have not experienced the 'still-image' visual for a creative work. And this has been made popular by arguably Nigeria's best rap sensation OLAMIDE BADDO through his 'GunMan Pose' on his latest album cover "BADDEST GUY EVER LIVETH."
The 'GunMan Pose' has really gone viral on the internet with numerous fans and even celebrities posing to immitate the posture of the rapper as illustrated on the album cover.
From CapitalFEMI, Ice Prince, yoruba actress Eniola Badmus to many others alike, interestingly the GunMan Pose has ultimately shown a new way to promoting creative contents rather than the common form of dance steps or video uploads.
CheckOut the exclusive GunMan Pose from the Baddo himself Olamide and Toolz, and the artistic album cover that started the buzz...
help with this templet link pls inbox me @ i beg ooo i am just into photography ooo. no competition ooo.