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Friday 6 December 2013

READERS MAIL: R.I.P NELSON MANDELA: Nigerians Are Confused. Why?!

The news of the Madiba's death broke-out yesterday night and it was all over the news channels all around the world. And trust Nigerians, they are really showing how gullible they are interms of historical developments.

Most Nigerians are merely putting-up the Madiba's death not for anything but mere virtual "30seconds" recognition online. Most bloggers don't even know what Nelson Mandela represents in his lifetime...the legacy he stood for...his impact for freedom in Africa!

Still laughing at the BCs rolling-in this morning, gazing at the hilarious ones and even some disgusting messages ofwhich compares the greatness of Madiba with a corrupt Nigerian leader like Olusegun Obasanjo...trully shameful thoughts.

But Nigerians are known for show-offs particularly with online buzz, however not minding to show the whole world how dumb-founded most of their thoughts are.
Well, we are already familiar with ourselves here, but how do you think the foreign media would assess your comments?

Unless you know some bits about the late Nelson Mandela, don't even bother to do the "copy & paste" via BlackBerry Broadcasts or on your blogs...honour the great South African Legend with what you know about him and his achievements!
Enough of the confused thoughts from Nigerians...

A Special Tribute To A Great African Visionary, Iconic Madiba - Rest In Peace NELSON MANDELA [1918 - 2013].

From a concerned Nigerian.

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